Ok before any introductions let me just quickly address the elephant in the room, why am I writing this blog in English even though I am a Swedish student. Well, there are a lot of reasons for it, but first I thought it would be a great way to touch up my English skills before writing my thesis. Other than that, I thought it might be helpful to everyone in general Swedish or non-Swedish to be able to understand and access my blog about Dublin.
Well, now that's out of the way let's start with Hello! My name is Meghana, I am a final year BMA student. As you can guess by site name I will be doing exchange studies in Dublin, Ireland. During my exchange studies, I will be doing my bachelor thesis at the Technological University of Dublin.
Now, apart from being a BMA student, who am I and why am I even doing this? I would say that I’m a simple girl that’s very chill no matter the situation. I am an outdoor person that loves sports and nature. However, nothing beats staying home bingeing Netflix which I also love to do. Now, why am I going to another country with different labs and a whole new environment to do the most important project which will decide if I get a degree or not? Well, there isn’t a simple straightforward answer to that. I would say multiple factors played a role in deciding to go to Dublin. To name a few, I wanted to live independently, play club/college cricket and experience a new culture.